RUI EN ; Nick Carter



Seasons come and seasons go

We get angry but we still love

One way or another I just can’t sleep

Until all is well again

WordPress theme custom header image

Just changed the theme of my blog.. No header image because I cannot seem to get it done (custom image which I created)!! ARGH!! If anyone who reads this knows how to get this fixed (header image for this theme) on wordpress, please do not hesitate to let me know, thank you!! 🙂

Annoying annoying annoying

Yes, once again, the annoying irritant has pissed me off.. And yes, it always has to be mother.. The root of all anger/annoyance/etc.. They are always nagging and nagging and nagging.. They want their kids to be better but with them behaving this way, it may just backfire on them.. Well, in this case, me.. I am just waiting for the day where the quiet, take-all-shit me, just explode at her.. I tell you, that will be the show of my life.. At times like this, my imagination is always running wild with negative/crazy/etc thoughts.. Sometimes I wish I had work more in my life so at least I have money and can be more independent.. Then I’d give her back her shit that I have to deal with every single day of my life which I totally hate….

Enough of rambling on for now.. So sick and tired of her shit..

House of loneliness

AARRGGHH!! Mum and aunty was talking about my hunch and it was so damn annoying!! Like hello!! It is MY back and MY problem.. !%@$@&!(!&!%!$@%@&!*!*!%^!$!#!%!&!*!^&!%$!$#%@&@(@&@%@$@^!*!*!^@$!%!&!*!^&!!!! I DO NOT want it to be such but it is such and just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! If I have the choice, I would have a gym in my house and there would be a punching bag.. That would be my anger management….

Stupid mistake

Tonight I made a stupid mistake in a moment of folly when I let my emotions take over…. It has been extremely long since I last had such a moment…. And it ended up with me being in tears…. The tears just could not stop flowing…. When it did, I hope my parents did not wake up and/or did not hear me blowing my nose…. It is human to err.. Yes I know…. But it leads to regret and hurt etc too…. It is definitely easier said than done, easier to advice people than to actually do what you preach….
To that someone, I am sorry.. 我是很爱你的。我会尽力的控制自己,所以这种的事情不会在发生。
To myself, no point crying over spilt milk.. For goodness sake, even though it is hard, please try your best to look on the bright side..
To everyone, cherish your loved ones and some things should be thought more than once (like twice, three times, four times or more) before actually saying/doing stuff, to avoid such stupid mistakes situations….
Thank you for taking time to read this rant of mine.. Time for me to sleep (even though I cannot seem to).. So….
Goodnight world..

Worse bubble tea ever made

I’m a huge fan of vanilla milk tea, seriously!! But, only from KOI!! And Honey milk tea from Gong Cha!! But, this vanilla milk tea from sweet talk seriously tastes so damn freaking horrible!! Everyone, please AVOID sweet talk!! It really taste damn horrible!! Not suited for consumption!!

参演剧集收视佳 瑞恩有望当视后

20100904_fcy_ruien1_img_main.jpg picture by RBKD-online


新闻来源: 联合晚报 | 王英敏 报道






《最火搭档》口碑佳 观众要求拍续集



瑞恩:得奖不重要 重要是演技





Source: Wanbao, RBKD

Bad Tuesday night and Wednesday lunchtime

Well, I went to grandma’s place after school on Tuesday and cut my hair. Yes, it’s really short and boyish.

The bad part is mum and stepdad doesn’t like it. Well, just to cut it short, it made my day worse and I had an argument with my mum. Well, life is like that. And I never liked all these negative stuff.

That’s all for now.

It’s been a long time…………

Hello hello, once again….

It’s been a long time, about 4 months… Now that my internship has ended and I’ve started my bridging courses for Economics and Mathematics, I will start blogging again… I dyed my hair and had a haircut (YAY!!)… Woohoo!! 🙂

Anyways, friends, if any of you can help me in Economics, please do let me know… Thanks… Appreciated… Economics is draining me… Heh… 😉

That’s all for now folks… Will blog again in a few days… 😉

RUI EN and Ang Moh En :)

Well, RUI EN turned 29 on the 29th this year. And I am turning 2* on the 2*st/nd/th. Both different months of course. Well, HER name is RUI EN and my Mandarin name is Mei En. We both are ENs. 🙂

Okays, I admit iI have been rather slack for a couple of months now. Will try to get back to blogging. Please be patient. Thanks! That’s all for now folks!! 😉